Ambassador Uyama Visited Amager Bakke (CopenHill)
On November 16, Ambassador UYAMA Hideki visited Amager Bakke (CopenHill). Mr. Jacob Hartvig Simonsen, CEO of ARC, which manages and operates the facility, gave a briefing on the environmental and social contributions made by Ammer Bakke, and they exchanged views on waste management and district heating.
The briefing and the following tour inside Amager Bakke enabled the Ambassador to deepen his understanding of the waste treatment facility that is beloved by the public.
The briefing and the following tour inside Amager Bakke enabled the Ambassador to deepen his understanding of the waste treatment facility that is beloved by the public.
(from left) Mr. Toshihiko Uchida, MES Liaison Officer, BWSC, Mr. Nils Thor Rosted, Head of Communication, ARC, Ambassador Uyama, CEO Mr. Simonsen, Mr. Peter Vedel Jantzen, Project Manager, BWSC