Mr. MATSUMOTO Takeaki, Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications visited Denmark

   Mr. MATSUMOTO Takeaki, Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications of Japan, visited Denmark from April 30th to May 2nd. Ambassador UYAMA Hideki accompanied the Minister throughout the program of his visit.
   Minister Matsumoto had bilateral talks with Mr. Morten Dahlin, Minister for Urban and Rural Affairs, Ecclesiastical Affairs and Nordic Cooperation, and Ms. Marie Bjerre, Minister for Digitalization and Gender Equality respectively, and exchanged views on digitalization of local governments, cooperation in the area of AI and quantum technology. Minister Matsumoto and Minister Bjerre signed Memorandum of Cooperation to further promote cooperation in the digital field between the two countries.
   Minister Matsumoto also visited KMD, an NEC company, which has been playing an important role in digitalization of local governments of Denmark, the Niels Bohr Institute which is famous as the center of quantum science and Copenhagen Citizen Services, which makes great use of digital technology for the convenience of citizens. The National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) of Japan and the Niels Bohr Institute signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) on research cooperation in the presence of Minister Matsumoto.
   Minister Matsumoto's visit to Denmark was the first ministerial visit since Prime Minister Frederiksen's visit to Japan in October last year, and it became an important opportunity to follow up on the Joint leaders’ Statement and the Joint Strategic Work Program announced as a result of the bilateral summit meeting between PM Kishida and PM Frederiksen.  
   Finally, one fantastic side note. Minister Dahlin, an avid football fan, kindly gave a jersey of Mr. Yuito Suzuki, a well-known Japanese striker playing for Brøndby in the Danish Superliga!

Meeting with Mr. Dahlin, Minister for Urban and Rural Affairs, Ecclesiastical Affairs and Nordic Cooperation

Photo with Minister Dahlin with a Jersey of Mr. Yuito Suzuki, Japanese Striker

Signing Ceremony with Ms. Bjerre, Minister for Digitalization and Gender Equality

Photo with Mr. Per Johansson, CEO and Others at KMD

Photo at Niels Bohr Institute