Call for Application: The Japanese Government Scholarship for Research Students 2025


The Japanese Government Scholarship for Research Students 2025: Embassy Recommendation

The Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship for Research Students 2025: Call for Application

Application for the Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship Program for Research Students is now open.
The application guideline and related documents are available from the URL below:

Please go through the Application Guideline thoroughly, and use the Application Forms* which you can download from above URL.
*Certificate of Health including the X ray result can be submitted after the date of the written examination and interview stage, but please be prepared (book the health check if necessary) so you can submit the certificate shortly after the interview.
Application deadline: Friday 14 June, 2024

Original documents as well as digital copy should both be received at the address below by the deadline.

【Address】 Embassy of Japan
Culture and Public Relations Section
Havneholmen 25, 9F
1561 København V
Attention: MEXT Scholarship for Research Students
(Digital copy should be submitted to the email:

Selected applicants will be invited for the written examination and interview at the Japanese Embassy. We will contact the applicants directly. It will be scheduled during the week 25 or 26.

Please note that there is a possibility that the examination may not be conducted according to the originally announced schedule or that recruitment and selection may be suspended due to unforeseen circumstances.

For inquiries, please contact:
Culture and Public Relations Section, Embassy of Japan in Denmark at Tel: 33 45 51 22, e-mail: