Consular Affairs & Visa
- General Visa
- Specified Visa
- Diplomatic and Official Visa
- Medical Visa
General Visa
The category of General Visa is divided into the following types of general visa:
Cultural Activities (1 year or 6 months)
A person holding this type of visa, is authorised to engage in academic or artistic activities that provide no income, activities for the purpose of pursuing specific studies on Japanese culture or arts, or activities for the purpose of learning and acquiring skills in Japanese culture or arts under the guidance of experts (for example, ikebana, tea ceremony, judo, etc.)
College Student (2 years 3 monts, 2 years, 1 years 3 months or 1 year)
A person holding this type of visa, is authorised to engage in activities to receive education at colleges or equivalent educational institutions, specialised courses of study at miscellaneous schools (senshu gakko), educational institutions designated for preparing persons who have completed 12 years of education at schools in foreign countries to enter college, or technical colleges (koto senmon gakko). Applicants must fulfil certain conditions regarding ability to pay living expenses, etc.
Pre-college Student (1 year 3 monts, 1 year or 6 months)
Trainee (1 year or6 months)
Dependent (3 years, 2 years, 1 year, 6 months, or 3 months)
Specified visa
The category of Specified Visa consist of the following subcategories:•Designated Activities
•Spouse or Child of Japanese National
•Spouse or Child of Permanent Resident
•Long-term Resident
Designated Activities
Spouse or Child of Japanese National (3 years or 1 year)
Spouse or Child of Permanent Resident (3 years or 1 year)
Long-term Resident (3 years or 1 year)
Diplomatic and official visa
Diplomatic Visa
Diplomats holding a Diplomatic Visa are authorised to engage in activities on the part of constituent members of diplomatic missions or consular offices of foreign governments hosted by the Government of Japan, and activities on the part of their family members belonging to the same household.Furthermore, they are authorised to engage in activities on the part of those who are provided with similar privileges and/or immunities as are given to diplomatic missions in accordance with treaties or international customary practices (for example, heads of state, ministers, and parliamentary speakers of foreign countries; the secretary general of the United Nations; the secretary generals of specialised agencies of the United Nations; etc.), and activities on the part of their family members belonging to the same household.
Official Visa
Medical visa
"Visa for Medical Stay" is a visa issued to foreign patients wishing to visit Japan for medical purposes (including full medical check-ups). The visa is issued to their accompanying person(s) as well if necessary and as needed. For further details.Outline of application procedures for nationals of India from 11 January 2016 (7 January 2016)
Specified visa: Designated activities (Long Stay for sightseeing and recreation)(3 August 2015)
Points-based Preferential Immigration Treatment for Highly Skilled Foreign Professionals (10 November 2014)