Bringing Medicine into Japan


Information for those who are bringing medicines for personal use into Japan

To import medicines from overseas is subject to control by the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law and the Customs Law to prevent health hazard caused by defective products. Therefore, when you enter into Japan, procedures should be done depending on your bringing medicines even if you have medicines for personal use.
  1. For medicines which are not specially controlled drug such as Narcotics nor prohibited drugs such as Methamphetamin in Japan and for your own use:
  • The medicines for less than 1 month supply: No special procedure
  • The medicines for more than 1 month supply: You need to get the certificate of Import “Yunyu Kakunin-sho” before you enter Japan.
For more details, please read the website below.
  1. For medicines containing controlled substances in Japan, an advanced permission is required. Procedure depends on the category of substances, which is divided into Narcotics, Psychotropics, Stimulants, Stimulants' Raw Materials, Cannabis and Opium. Please be aware that some medicines cannot be brought into Japan, even if they are prescribed medicines in your country. For more details, please refer to Narcotics Control Department, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. (
If you are unsure about any aspect of importing medicines for personal use into Japan, please contact the office closest to your point of arrival in Japan from the list below.
Place of arrival: Hokkaido, Tokyo (Narita, Haneda), Yokohama etc.
Kanto-Shin’etsu Regional Bureau of Health and Welfare
TEL: +81-48-740-0800
10:00 -12:00AM, 1:00- 3:00PM(JST)
Place of arrival : Osaka (Kansai), Chubu Centrair, Fukuoka, Okinawa (Naha) etc.
Kinki Regional Bureau of Health and Welfare
TEL: +81-6-6942-4096
9:30 -12:00AM, 1:00- 5:00PM(JST)