Consular Affairs & Visa
Introduction of Working Holiday Scheme between Japan and Denmark
Introduction of Working Holiday Scheme between Japan and Denmark
Starting October 1, 2007 the Governments of Japan and the Kingdom of Denmark will introduce a Working Holiday scheme between both countries, which provides wider opportunities, particularly for young people to experience the culture and general way of life of the other country for the purpose of promoting greater mutual understanding between Japan and the Kingdom of Denmark. This scheme makes it possible for citizens of one country to enter the other primarily for a holiday over an extended period and to be able to take work incidental to their holiday in order to supplement their travel funds.
With this visa, Danish citizens need not obtain further permission to engage in remunerative activities while in Japan, provided these activities do not contravene Japanese laws and regulations, especially those regulating businesses offering food and entertainment as well as any other regulations in force which affect public order and good morals.
- The Working Holiday visa is not appropriate for those wishing to enter Japan to engage in full-time employment or to enroll in academic institutions.
Applicant Prerequisites
Working Holiday visas, valid for a period of one (1) year from the date of issue, will be issued to persons who satisfy all of the following requirements:
- be Danish citizens who are ordinarily resident in Denmark at the time of application for the said visa
- be aged between eighteen (18) and thirty (30) years, both inclusive, at the time of application for the said visa
- intend primarily to go on holiday to Japan for a period of up to one (1) year
- having obtained this type of visa one time or zero times
- be persons who are not accompanied by dependents unless those dependents are in possession of the said visa or otherwise
- possess a valid passport
- possess a return travel ticket or sufficient funds to purchase such a ticket
- possess sufficient funds for their maintenance during the period of initial stay in Japan
- have good health and sound background
Application Procedure
Those wishing to apply for a Working Holiday visa are required to submit, along with a valid Danish passport, one copy each of the following documents to the consular section of the Embassy of Japan in Denmark. Statements made in these documents must be true and accurate.
- Valid passport
- One completed visa application Form
- One photographs approx. 35mm x 45mm in size (taken within the previous 6 months)
- Curriculum Vitae (CV) (Form 1)
- An outline of intended length of stay and activities (Form 2)
- A written reason for applying for a Working Holiday visa typed on A4 paper
- Either a return or onward journey ticket or the amount of 14,000 DKK to purchase such a ticket.
- Documents certifying that the applicant possess the amount of 14,000 DKK (Couples 21,000 DKK) for maintaining life during the initial stay in Japan.
- A copy of overseas travel Insurance Policy which valid during the stay in Japan
- Additional documents or interviews may be requested to verify the eligibility of an applicant for the Scheme whenever the Embassy deems necessary.
- Questionnaire (Please answer the attached questionnaire after ending your trip)
This visa is free of charge.
Explanatory Material
Explanatory material and the necessary forms are available at the Embassy of Japan in Denmark. Applications are to be made in person at the Embassy of Japan in Denmark, and applicants may be interviewed.
Embassy of Japan
Havneholmen 25, 9F
1651 Copenhagen V
Tel: 33 11 33 44
Other Information
- Applicants will not be able to engage themselves in activities, which are considered to go against policies of the Working Holiday scheme, including working at places where businesses, as may affect public morals operate
- Persons having obtained a Working Holiday visa must register in the municipality of the town or city, where they intend to stay, within 14 days. This also applies in case of changing address. Furthermore, it is mandatory to join the Japanese public health insurance system.
- Working Holiday visas are for single entry. Therefore, if the Working Holiday maker has to leave Japan for any reason and thereafter wishes to return to Japan, it is such essential that they obtain a re-entry permit from the Japanese Immigration Authorities before leaving Japan.
- Working Holiday makers who wish help to find work during their stay can contact “Hello-Work”or “Employment Service Center for Foreigners”. Please see the HP of Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare: Employment “Policy for Foreign Workers”.
- Working Holiday makers and other travelers to Japan are encouraged to register at the “danskerliste” of the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This will mean that the Danish authorities know the whereabouts of Danes abroad so that they may help them in the case of an accident or emergency. For further information, contact the Consular Services at the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs ( , tel: +45 3392 1112).